
When Pastor Hitchcock asked if we would like to take a memory course, at first I hesitated: I was afraid I might be embarrassed, exposing my poor memory. But to my pleasant surprise, the course was fun and easy. You not only learn a thought from each chapter, but you also remember the sequence of the books, making it easier to find the texts.” Dr. Harry Slough, DDS

“Since my age tells me I am a a senior citizen, and my mind sometimes seems to be forgetful, I found the funny and sometimes crazy word pictures in The Gospel Memory Course to be very helpful in remembering the key points in each of the chapters in the books of the New Testament . . . turning on a light switch in a room can turn on a memory of the Star of Bethlehem in Matthew, chapter 2, and then turn water into wine in John chapter 2.” Pat Mathis

I was lucky enough to be a part of Chester Hitchcock’s Gospel Memory Course given in our church. I would never have believed we could learn so much and have so much fun.” John H. Drew

“I am so excited about Chester Hitchcock’s Gospel memory Course. It is topnotch. It is not only a wonderful way to remember scriptures, but also loads of fun. I recommend it highly.” Sandra Drew

“I’ve always heard that ‘a picture is worth a thousand words’ . . . A picture planted in our minds . . . would be easier to grasp than just words and numbers.” Mary K. Johns

I was blessed to take the Gospel Memory Course one summer a few years ago, and was pleasantly surprised that I was able to retain key stories and highlights from the gospels and their places in the Bible. Wow! Thank you, Chester, for helping my brain to open and learn new and fun ways of studying the biblical narrative.

Blessings on more people as they take this course.

Jeba Moses

“I first became acquainted with Pastor Chester Hitchcock’s Gospel Memory Course when he and I were working together doing summer ministry with earliteens in Ohio. He took the earliteens through the 4 gospels and taught them a fun way to memorize the books of the New Testament in order, during a one week Camp Meeting, in just a couple hours each day. I was impressed with the easy and fun way to memorize Bible events and teachings from every chapter in the New Testament. This method also helps young and old capture the big picture of the Bible and its overall flow, from the beginning of each book to the end. I was familiar with memorizing Bible Memory verses in the church, but the verses seemed randomly selected and use the rote memory process, which I found not all students do well with. The Gospel Memory Course uses proven memory aiding techniques that made learning Scripture fun and effective for all ages. I have used it in my minister to churches I’ve served and have used it in teaching my own children, and its has helped me find passages I have needed to find without going to a concordance. I highly recommend it.”

Pastor Mark Swaisgood D.Min
